170.315(g)(7) Patient Selection

The technology must be able to receive a request with sufficient information to uniquely identify a patient and return an ID or other token that can be used by an application to subsequently execute requests for that patient’s data.


GET [base]/fhir/PatientReference?identifier={system|}[code]&active=[boolean]&email=[string]...


Name Type Description Optional?
_id string The patients external UUID true
identifier token A patient identifier of SN, SD, or DL true
active boolean The patients is active in the EMR true
deceased boolean The patients is deceased true
email string The patients email address true
gender token The patients gender code true
birthdate date The patients date of birth format: YYYY-MM-DD true
death-date date The patients date of death format: YYYY-MM-DD true
organization string The patients organization’s unique identifier true


    "id": "65f6e0d4-c87c-4dbc-8c4e-f32e06d6b61f",
    "language": "en-US",
    "identifier": {
        "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
        "value": "urn:uuid:65f6e0d4-c87c-4dbc-8c4e-f32e06d6b61f"
    "type": "searchset",
    "timestamp": "2020-11-23T23:01:31+00:00",
    "total": 2,
    "link": [
            "relation": "self",
            "url": "https://api.testing.consolo.services/fhir/PatientReference?identifier=258-36-1497&name=Stokes&page=1"
    "entry": [
            "resource": {
                "id": "b5c53748-1318-413d-8a80-c4457eb6a639",
                "reference": "Patient/b5c53748-1318-413d-8a80-c4457eb6a639",
                "type": "Patient",
                "display": "Stokes, Clint",
                "resourceType": "PatientReference"
            "search": {
                "mode": "include"
            "resource": {
                "id": "8c92a072-d9dd-4002-ad89-c79bf3633483",
                "reference": "Patient/8c92a072-d9dd-4002-ad89-c79bf3633483",
                "type": "Patient",
                "display": "Stokes, Clint Albert",
                "resourceType": "PatientReference"
            "search": {
                "mode": "include"
    "resourceType": "Bundle"