Patient Access API Walk-through


This document is for third-party accounts seeking access to patient records through an API. The document will walk through account setup and authorization as well as API interactions.


Client Setup

We have provided a test client to familiarize yourself with the API.

  1. Download Postman Client
  2. Download our collection by selecting “Run in Postman”.


Send your key as a bearer token in the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer <your token>

In our example Postman client, this can be accomplished by setting the AuthToken environment variable with your token string.

API Interaction

Selecting a Patient

The API client comes with a default configured environment. To select your patient, you will need to update the environment variables in Postman.

  1. Select “Patient Selection” in the collection list.
  2. View the environment variables, and select “Edit”.
  3. Update patientIdentifier to your patients social.
  4. Update patientName to your patients last name.
  5. Press the “Send” button which will then execute your API and retrieve your record.
    Patient Select Screen Shot

For more search options please refer to the full API documentation.

Patient Everything and Data Categories

You can view a patients medical records or any category in the Common Clinical Dataset (CCDS).

  1. Select “Patient Data Category Request” in the collection list.
  2. Execute the API.
    • This will request all data about the patient.
  3. Update the _type parameter to any of the valid data categories.
  4. Execute the API to retrieve that patients data category information.

For a list of valid data categories, please refer to the full API documentation.

Export a C-CDA File

You may utilize the client API to export a full C-CDA file on behalf of the patient. This record includes all data in the CCDS.

  1. Select “Export C-CDA” in the collection list.
  2. Execute the API.
  3. This will return the C-CDA file in XML format.
  4. To save the file, select “Save Response” -> “Save to File” in the response section.
    Save Response Screen Shot

For more information on the API, please refer to the full API documentation.